Equilibrium – a state of balance between different forces or influences. Physiologically, our body is intricately designed to achieve and maintain homeostasis at system, organ, and molecular levels to stay functional and healthy. But mentally, how can we achieve a state of intellectual and emotional balance?
Since 2020, the world has turned upside down due to the global pandemic, political divisiveness and unrest, and racial injustice. Everyone has their own challenges and is impacted in different ways. As a working professional with young kids who is trying to establish a career, I found the challenges and obstacles amplified and overwhelming at times...
One of the recurring lessons that I learnt in the past two years is that life is really too short and unpredictable. How can we make the most out of it? How can we come out of these challenges stronger and more resilient? Inspired by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, I think it’s time for us to look forward and start “chasing life” again. With that in mind, EQUILAWBRIUM is born! It is a platform for legal professionals to find their equilibrium as a working parent.
This blog is specifically designed for legal professionals who are in their first 10 years of practice and have kids who are ≤10 years of age, which I dubbed as the “Dual 10 Challenges”. Each blog post will invite an esteemed legal professional who is also a parent to answer a series of questions in a Q&A format through which I hope to mimic a fireside chat with our readers.
Having someone who has walked the walk to share, inspire, and encourage, I hope our readers will know that they are not alone and it is absolutely achievable to establish a legal career and enjoy the privilege of being a parent with young kids at the same time.
Sit back, relax, and let's have a chat. I hope you will find your equilawbrium here!